Milena Horvat, Jožef Stefan Institute, Slovenia
Prof. Dr. Milena Horvat is the head of the Department of Environmental Sciences (since 1997) at the Jožef Stefan Institute and the dean of the Jožef Stefan International Postgraduate School – (since 2016). Her main expertise is in the field of mercury research, which is interdisciplinary and covers the fields of analytical chemistry, human health, polluted areas, the marine environment, and clean technologies and sensor development. She is the author and co-author of over 300 articles in SCI journals and 24 book chapters. She has organized several international conferences and workshops and has been the guest editor of 16 special issues of journals, including environmental health perspectives, environmental research, analytical and bioanalytical chemistry, marine chemistry …). She received the national Ambassador for Science Award in 2002, the national Zois Award for Research Excellence on 2014, and the international Life of Achievement Award at ICMGP in 2019. She has been a supervisor of 18 Doctoral Dissertations and several master’s and diploma theses.